
NOTESincluding correspondence and reviews relevant to programmes on this site
Notes for POETRY
Previously published

++Cherwell, vol.104, no.12, June 3rd. 1959: ‘Smile-havoc’.

+ Meanjin Quarterly (University of Melbourne) vol.30, no.3,
+++++++September 1971: ‘Wild plums’.

Oxford Opinion, vol.3, no.7, January 1959: ‘Men on the Moon’;
+++ no.8, February 1959: ‘Desengaño, esperanza, y muerte’,
+++‘Soledad’; vol.4, no.2, May 1959: ‘Autumn love’; no.4,
+++ Michaelmas 1959: ‘Ashes’,‘Sea love’; no.7, November
+++ 1959: ‘Night vengeance’, ‘The Moon: three images’.

 Pembroke Bullfrog, Hilary 1959: ‘Ashes’, ‘Autumn love’; 
+++Hilary 1960: ‘Guillotine’, ‘Smile-havoc’.
School Journal, part four (School Publications Branch,
+++Department of Education, N.Z.) vol.54, no.2, Winter
++++1960: ‘Evening voices’, ‘Light everywhere’, ‘Stars’.

 Vida Hispánica (London) vol.VI, no.2, Summer 1958:
           ‘Castilla’,‘Viento de Castilla’; no.3: ‘Soledad’.

Westerly (University of Western Australia Press)
             no.2, June 1973: ‘Without you’.