Cattribute ‘Y’ Yesterday might be today if you and I decideto play. But though I’m Yang I’m human now, and you’re a cat, my Yin, today. What has ended can’t begin, so wave goodbye to what you can’t bring back and prize your black fur coat and full moon eyes, rare items in tomorrow’s yesterday. Vol.9 THE NATURAL WORLD The Bestiary 2 Contigo ( also in Volumes 1 and 6) Vol.4 EROS In absentia A Glenwys Vente conmigo querida te lo suplico, al chiringuito de Réynold el ‘Malibú’, a ver la puesta del sol. Me da igual ~ que no sirvan horchata, chicharones al uso, ni pechuga de pavo ni jamón de Jabugo, cuchifritos ni chícharos, chirimoyas cremosas (pa’ chuparse los dedos), leche frita, torrijas, ni cuajada con miel, y no se halle el anís Chinchón dulce (¡sin hielo!) auténtico de ‘la Alcoholera’. ~ al estar tú conmigo en el Malibú. Nos pondrán un gin tónic (un Rives) en balón; más papas aliñadas, pez espada y caballa, acedías y sardinas y más de un boquerón, albóndigas, pimientos asados, croquetas y filetes a la plancha; . nos pondrán carajillos de brándy, o café y anís la Castellana (en balón). ~ ¡Sin igual, al estar tú conmigo en el Malibú! ~ Entretanto chirigotas, el chapoteo de las olas, la inquietud de este levante, y el paseo de la luna. Fragment 3 Saffron, they claim (from the stigma of the crocus) gives food flavour, gives food colour, lends a delicate aroma. Some fast-food cooks – mainly chasing profits cheaply, and thoughtless slaves to microwaves – say such talk is hocus-pocus. But fragrance left, to smell and taste, and colour (look!), gently tell that saffron’s claims aren’t gobbledegook: some stigma’s worth its weight in gold. (also in Volume 10) Vol.6 Mixed blessings Hard-pressed The sea-food market in the square is tightly packed and humming; still crowds pour in, panting, set to buy. A nudge – I’m just in time to glimpse the bum packed tight, cheeks pertly poured in the pants, and set. Crowded, what! “Not on the market!” I mutter, and then the lump swelling in my throat shows it hurts, this food for thought. (also in Volume 6) Vol.2 EROS Foibles of the flesh A lull in a storm Trees, darkness, jagged flashes of lightning downwards streaking. Rain, noise, a river rushes fast by a woman weeping. Silence sudden, wind at rest – bird disturbed rebuilds its nest. Clouds disperse, dark light ensues: tragic Moon! nocturnal ruse! Vol.11 Wrestling at dawn María José of the real estate agency
With shake and tap and flickering jingle of a tambourine, click-click-crack of castanets, a high-pitching piccolo, soul of a flute – that’s my girl! bursting into the quietness of the closing day. Dust-devils spin out of the Inland, spray flashes, fizzes flung from the breakers, gusts of air bring word of the East Wind, sparks sizzle over incandescent coals. Into the quietness of the closing day – that’s my girl, bursting with shake and tap and flickering jingle of a tambourine, click-click-crack of castanets, a high-pitching piccolo, soul of a flute. (also in Volume 1) Vol.3 EROS Heavings of the Heart Poor Idea The Idea, quite clear in its head as to what it wanted to say, initiated a painstaking search for the Mot juste. After many vicissitudes, it found a candidate. On the day, the Word turned up drunk with its mates, all after the job. The Idea, its head in a spin, consulted a mirror, afraid of detecting symptoms of mistaken identity. Vol.10 Words at play Recital at Santa Catalina, Cadiz Sitar plucked,
Vol.1 Cadiz Sense of loss, loss of the senses A taste, a touch, is all you need to have to set in motion change, which – however imperceptible at first – in time will take not simply wine and glass, but stone, and you. Inhale the fragrance of a rose, a bowl of pot-pourri, a wooden camphor chest: some perfume lingers days, some – months, some – years, then nothing’s left. Though all you do is breathe, it goes, like you. I knew a cottage once, with cedars, pines, and fruit, which – like an island – had a stream all round: a site to live and love, for life. Cat and rooster, hens, ducks and ducklings, spoke their thoughts; in the wind the cedars sighed, and by night and day the water whispered, past. The sights and sounds made magic in my mind. I looked and listened, took part, respected the rituals of the show. Still, in time, though nothing seemed to change, the magic ceased. Vol.5 Measuring Up Up and away Seen on the ground, nearby, they always looked a greasy lot, furtive, scruffy, squat, al- most vulgar, their gait impatient, jerky. But then, unbidden, innumerable, they filled the sky, hung an undulating belt of black against the blue; contracting, then, they made a square which stretched and shrank, and shrank and stretched; and then a moment later they curled and rolled, spun into a breakneck spiral, plummeted headlong for the ground; but then the vortex split, regrouped, and formed a cloud, circular, tremulous and dense; off they drifted, then swinging suddenly they soared and slipped, slipped and soared, blurs which zig- zagged, wavered, grew, drew close; then, dropping low, they passed, followed by a rush, a ‘whoosh’ of wings …… and they were gone. Now, maybe, you’ll term them ‘iridescent’, ‘alert’, ‘carefree’, ‘sturdy’, ‘different’; and self- respecting starlings do find walking …… dull. Vol.8 THE NATURAL WORLD The Bestiary 1 ……Who on Earth …… High, high above, the great birds wheel and hang there, waiting, in the sky. In front, the pastel patterns of the temple cool the summer sun, as pilgrims of all faiths wait cross- legged on the warm and dusty ground. Everywhere, the soothing flow of Indian music …… which slows, and stops. The shuffle, fidget, whispers - cease, and silence, only, fills the air. From the temple comes a figure clad in orange, unassuming, slight. Does it walk? or does it glide? Its bearing seems to indicate a holy man, but there’s a hint as well of emperor – or more. His presence thrills the thousands as he passes, reassures, and guides. To some he stops and talks, bends low to hear their answers; to many he speaks in silence, listens long to the silent words of others. From outstretched hands he gathers notes with pleas, and grateful promises. At a distance, and then nearby, I saw the aura, blue and white, a halo glowing round his head: Sai Baba’s … Who on Earth is That! High, high above, the great birds wheel, and hang there, waiting, in the sky. Vol.7 THE NATURAL WORLD Heaven and earth the notes at first exploratory float, tremulous and languid, across the hushed and open Castle square. Confident, they gather pace, work up to a frenzy, wait there, and subside. War, then peace, in the ancient Castle square. Flexible, they tease, and tunes unfolding are detected and promptly dropped. Just games, over the watchful Castle square. ******** The raga grows – grips the ear – sounds quiver, pulse, pile up, jostle, spill and overflow, in tandem with the rhythms – of challenge, dialogue or echo – of tablas tapped. ******** Below the Castle, black Atlantic waves break and flow as the dancers’ dresses rise and fill, then sparkle, swirl and fall. Through the Castle, the gusting summer wind. – Opposites, complementary – each figure, face tells its tale, charms the heart. Behind the Castle, white – the silent Moon. The dancers pause, their arms speak towards the sky of loneliness, desire, love. The wraps fall still, the ankle bells are quiet.